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available through Authorized Dealers across the United States and Canada. 

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Improving your water quality is easy and economical. While bottled water is still a popular option, it is an expensive, less convenient alternative that creates waste and is hard on the environment.

Benefits of POU filtration:

  • great tasting water for drinking and cooking

  • clear, odor free water for washing and utility use

  • Remove dirt, silt, clay and other sediments

  • Remove iron to prevent staining

  • Minimize unpleasant odors, including chlorine

Understanding your Aqua Flo Filtration System

Aqua Flo Filtration Systems consist of a filter housing that connects to your plumbing system and disposable filter cartridge that performs the work. Depending on your needs, systems can consist of a single or series of filters installed either under a specific sink (Point-of-Use) or where the water main enters the home (Point-of-Entry). Filter Cartridges are easily replaced periodically, typically on an annual or semi-annual basis, depending on your incoming water quality.

Point-of-Use Diagram

POU sink diagram.JPG

Point-of-Entry Diagram

POU diagram.JPG


Aqua Flo Point-of-Use Catalog

Aqua Flo Point-of-Use Catalog

Aqua Flow High-Flow Whole House Filtration System

Aqua Flow High-Flow Whole House Filtration System